Listening station Kokerwindmühle


Fully functional replica of the former coker windmill from 1879, which was built on the occasion of the 850th anniversary in 2000.
Hören Sie sich unter 04488 5204040 oder hier die Geschichte zu den Windmühlen in Edewecht an. Die Nummer der Hörstation lautet 34.

Good to know

Price info

Free entry

Directions & Parking facilities

You drive on the A28 and take exit 9 towards Neuenkruge and turn right onto Tannenkampstraße. This goes to Haarenstrotherstr. above. After approx. 1.5KM take the 4th cross street on the left and turn into the field line. After about 1.8KM you take the right road in the curve and continue on Birkenweg. At the end of the street, turn right onto Portsloger Damm. Drive on this again to the end and then turn left onto the Viehdamm - this turns into the main street. Now turn right across the street behind the Volksbank. The destination is on the right.

More information

Guided tours are possible by prior arrangement.

Contact person

Mr. Rolf Kaptein
26188 Edewecht


Getting there

Touristik Edewecht
Rathausstr. 7
26188 Edewecht